
Increasing Sales Conversions: Step-by-Step Instructions

The Internet is a great field for business. Here you can share information, provide advisory services, sell products and perform many more profitable activities. But sometimes even a resource with good attendance has a very small financial return. In this case, an increase in conversion is required. To do this, you will have to carry out serious work on the bugs and introduce new activities.

conversion increase

Site Conversion: Definition

Before proceeding with any active actions, you need to understand the terminology. An increase in conversion is an increase in the number of active visitors who have performed a certain action (subscription, call to the dispatcher, ordering goods, etc.) in relation to the total number of page views.

It is also worth paying attention to such a concept as microconversion. It characterizes the number of visitors who switched to the contacts tab or application form. At the same time, some of them will prefer personal communication in the office, and the rest will take action on the site. The latter form an indicator of microconversion.

Conversion Factors

The increase in conversion depends on many indicators. Here are the key factors to focus on:

  • Website design. This refers to the visual representation, the location of the elements, the quality of the graphics, the color scheme and many other moments that create a first impression on your resource for visitors. Of course, if you work in a specific industry with little competition, it is enough to limit yourself to a simple design without frills and "chips". But if you have to struggle with a mass of similar resources for a place on the market, you need an exclusive design.
  • Content This is the content of your site (texts, multimedia files, graphic elements, etc.). Everything should have a presentable appearance, and most importantly - carry useful information. Text fragments should be written competently and structured. If you post photos or videos on the site, it is advisable that they be unique. To understand how to fill your site, carefully study the leading resources.
  • Usability. If you translate this word into Russian, it will become clear that this is the ease of use of the site. The resource structure should be such that the user does not have to understand it for hours. Everything should be intuitive (menu, search, applications, calculators, etc.). If the visitor to the site does not have questions about navigation, it means that you did everything right.
  • The technical condition of the site. All pages should load quickly, following links should be quick, without any errors and crashes. You should foresee the moment that visitors can access the site from different devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones). If these requirements are not met, people will simply leave the site without receiving the necessary information. You can monitor the technical condition of your resource on your own or with the help of automatic services.
  • The semantic core. This is one of the main factors of site traffic and its conversion. It is necessary to form a request correctly. If you, for example, sell radiators, you need to promote the key "sale of radiators", and not just "radiators". Otherwise, people will go to your site in search of theoretical information and will leave it without finding anything you need. To make sure that you did everything right, also use the services of automatic CEO analysis.

pay-per-conversion increase

Priority Actions to Increase Website Conversion

Despite the fact that the Internet has entered our life quite tightly, not everyone understands all the intricacies of a global network device. Of course, you can work on the upgrade yourself, but it is better to contact a specialist. The minimum set of changes and improvements, which includes a commercial proposal to increase website conversion, is as follows:

  1. Checking the correct display of the site in search engines and browsers. This can be done using online services. But for greater reliability, the work is done manually.
  2. Contacts. Information on how to contact you should be posted on each page of the site. If you consider it inappropriate to indicate the address and phone numbers everywhere, make the link to the "Contact Us" page public. Contact information should be as detailed as possible. It is necessary to indicate the detailed details of the company. If you have a physical office, in addition to the address there should be an explanation of how to get to it. The presence of maps, as well as real photographs of landmarks on the ground, is welcome.
  3. Prices. Information on the cost of goods or services should be relevant. In this case, the user must have direct access to it. The buyer should see the value directly next to the product or service. To do this, he should not make additional clicks on the links or make any calls. This is one of the conditions under which an increase in conversion occurs.
  4. About company. Every self-respecting organization should add such a section to its network resource. Most often it is located on the main page. This is not just a brief history of the organization. Certificates, licenses and other documents confirming the quality should also be presented here. If there are any awards, they are also worth mentioning.
  5. Price lists. Sometimes the buyer needs time to think, as well as comparing prices on different resources. It’s good if visitors to the site will have the opportunity to download the price list in some popular format in order to print it or view it in the absence of an Internet connection. But this is only an additional, and not the main way of indicating prices.
  6. Catalog. You must understand that not only professionals visit your site. Therefore, a brief but detailed description of each product should be present in the catalog. There must be a filter by parameters. The lack of need to sort through hundreds of items leads to an increase in conversion.
  7. The trust. A potential customer must trust you. An increase in sales conversion will become possible if you create a separate page with a portfolio or a list of well-known organizations that use your services.
  8. Minimum action. A purchase should be made in just a couple of clicks. Do not create any extra cells in the application form.
  9. Simple navigation. If the site has a complex structure caused by a large amount of content, the interface should contain the so-called bread crumbs that will help you quickly get to the right menu item.
  10. Exit points. The increase in sales conversions can be ensured by the presence on each page of quick links to go to the catalog or the direct application form.

conversion increase service

What else can be done?

If your resource meets all the requirements, and increasing the conversion on the site remains a dream, you can use a number of other methods. Experts recommend the following:

  • Payment. You must ensure that your customers can pay for goods or services in any way convenient for themselves. It can be cards of various payment systems, electronic wallets and more.
  • Open your face.An increase in store conversion is possible if real photos of directors, managers and even ordinary employees appear on the site with names and positions. This is an illustration of the fact that you are personally responsible for the quality of goods and services.
  • Thematic blog. Share useful information with your customers in the field in which you work.
  • Free services. There must be something on your site that fuels interest in it. This can be a free online consultation, gifts and a bonus system.
  • Reviews Give your customers the opportunity to leave feedback on their work. It will also attract new ones. To encourage them to write responses, you can give some bonuses.
  • Conversion increase widget. Both you and your customers will be interested to receive information about the site traffic, the number of purchases on it.
  • Call to action. The text should be written in incentive.

conversion increase widget

Increased pay-per-conversion conversions

At the moment, almost every company has its own website. But given that not all entrepreneurs understand the intricacies of the network, they have to contact specialized agencies to optimize the resource and improve attendance. There may be some distrust, because external changes are easy to assess, but it is not always clear whether the investments are justified. In this regard, such a trend as increasing conversion with payment for the result is gaining momentum. The essence of the method is that the client pays the agency not an increase in the total number of website visitors, but only targeted actions (purchase, subscription, etc.). Thus, the agency develops a sense of responsibility for the work performed (after all, this will affect the final profit).

commercial offer to increase site conversion

Online services

At the moment, any entrepreneur who is dissatisfied with the effectiveness of his site can use the online conversion increase service. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Eyequant - with an accuracy of 95% predicts how effective your site will be and what moments visitors will pay attention to in the first place. This is achieved thanks to the eye-tracking system.
  • Perezvoni is a conversion increase service that tracks the behavior of a visitor on a site. The main specialization is phone calls and speeding up the connection with the manager.
  • Similarweb is a free service that allows you to evaluate site traffic. You will be able to evaluate not only the quantitative component, but also the geography and popularity on social networks.
  • Kissmetrics - not only demonstrates statistics, but also explains what is happening on the site. By tracking the entire click chain of each individual customer, it will be easier to identify ways to increase conversion.
  • Vwo is an excellent English-language resource that allows you to evaluate not only the site as a whole, but also its individual fragments.
  • Witget - provides an opportunity for users to post on their website a number of tools (widgets) for feedback with the client.

Retail Store Conversion Specifics

By analogy with online resources, the conversion of a real store is the ratio of the number of visitors to those who made a purchase. Unfortunately, the trade culture in the domestic market is not developed as it is in the West. The main factors affecting the increase in store conversion are as follows:

  • the client always sees the seller, and the latter is always ready to help and provide the necessary advice;
  • each product has a price tag and description that is true;
  • each product is assigned a bar code that is correctly read by the scanner;
  • the location of the counters and goods on the trading floor is logical, the client is easily oriented in space to search for the desired unit;
  • sellers own the technique of concluding trade transactions;
  • queues of more than five people are not going to the checkout;
  • shelves and display cases are not empty, but completely laden with goods.

conversion increase methods

Retail Store Conversion Improvement

To increase conversion, the first thing you need to bring your point of sale in accordance with the points described above. Nevertheless, this does not always bring the desired results, because the competition in the market is great. To lead your business to success, use these methods to increase conversion:

  • Product quality. Depending on the specialization of the store, you can expand or, conversely, reduce the range with improved quality. Perhaps you should give preference to well-known brands.
  • Activation of advertising. As many as possible people should know about your outlet. For this you need to use outdoor advertising, television commercials, messages on the radio. Advertising flyers with a guaranteed discount also work well.
  • Shop window decoration. The outlet should look attractive and meet modern standards.
  • Use social networks. Most offline stores have their own pages where potential customers can, without getting up off the couch, familiarize themselves with the assortment and pricing policy, as well as consult about a purchase.
  • Discounts. The eloquent inscription "Sale" as a magnet attracts customers to the store. At the same time, in order to stimulate buyers to come in today and right now, there must be a specific time frame for the action.
  • Bonus programs. Having come to the store once, the buyer should have an incentive to return there again. For example, an accumulative bonus program. Knowing that in this particular store he is already guaranteed, for example, 100 rubles of a discount, the buyer will return again to use it or increase it.
  • Psychological impact. The store staff should be as courteous as possible with the guest, but not intrusive. If you meet your customers well, they will just be ashamed not to buy something.
  • Merchandising. The most necessary and sought-after things should be placed at the very end of the trading floor. On the way, the buyer should see a lot of attractive goods that he will certainly want to buy.
  • Personification. Sellers should communicate with customers not just as buyers, but as dear guests or even relatives. To do this, make a short acquaintance. It is important to listen carefully to all guest preferences. Thus, the store will become a favorite for a particular customer, because here they know about his tastes and wishes.

increase store conversion

Basics of retail at Adidas LLC

It is worth paying attention and taking an example from the most successful enterprises, if you are faced with a practical task - increasing the conversion of a retail store. Adidas is guided in its activities by such methods:

  • Attracting attention to the store. This item implies a beautiful facade repair, original window dressing, as well as lighting and an entrance group.
  • Interest in the product. This refers to the arrangement of mannequins, as well as competent merchandising. The most original and most expensive products from the latest collections should be in sight.
  • Additional item. If the client came, for example, for sweatpants, the seller offers him a suitable T-shirt or windbreaker. If the product is laid out correctly, the customer will notice it and will want to buy it even without assistance.
  • Observance of symmetry. The product must be distributed across the space of the outlet. Moreover, the proportions between different types of clothes and shoes should be observed.
  • Comfort. The buyer should not have any obstacles while moving around the store. The distance between the counters should be wide enough. Also, the goods should be placed so that the client has unhindered access to it even without the help of a sales assistant.
  • Presentable look.All items on the trading floor must be clean and ironed. The range should be regularly checked for damage and contamination.
  • Nice staff. Store employees must embody the organization’s philosophy, as well as increase landing page conversions. They should be dressed in branded items that they undertake to keep in a neat appearance. Sellers must observe the rules of personal hygiene, have an idea of ​​the aesthetics of their appearance.
  • Continuous staff training. Regularly, employees are provided with information about new types of goods. Sales training is also provided.
  • Greeting. The seller first turns to the buyer 10 seconds after he entered the store. At the same time, employees are obliged to communicate equally with the guests regardless of how they look and what social status they have.
  • Participation and personal experience. The seller shows a genuine interest in the buyer choosing the right thing for himself. At the same time, the employee is guided by a sincere desire to help, and not by the need to sell the goods.


Increasing sales conversions is one of the key tasks of any entrepreneur aimed at success. It is imperative to turn a potential buyer into a real one. To do this, you can use your own knowledge, the help of third-party specialists or the experience of successful organizations. The main thing is customer focus. If in the organization of your work you think about the buyer, he will reciprocate.

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